The coronavirus crisis has turned out to be a global human tragedy. It affects, first of all, the health of all of us and our well-being and immediately afterwards, our day to day.

one of the aspects derived from this crisis is the economic management of the companies and their workers, the more than possible return to the offices (at some point it will happen) or the consolidation of the home office (in its different variants)

in kete we have been very attentive to all the movements and studies of the most important players in the sector and we believe that the consequences derived from the coronavirus in the workplace must be considered in 3 stages:

short term

  • teams still teleworking

  • adaptations of the existing workspace: physical barriers, distance, disinfection, cleaning

  • workspace density

  • divisions based on panels, screens and other barriers

mid term

  • organizations prepared to receive the majority of employees

  • space reconfigurations → new designs and changes with solutions that ensure long-term well-being

  • furniture geometry

long term

  • past scenarios based on density and costs

  • from now on, they must also be based on the ability to adapt easily to economic, climatological and health disruption

  • The reinvented office should be designed with a greater commitment to the well-being of the staff, recognizing that their physical, psychological and cognitive state are intrinsically linked to their safety.

As a conclusion we can say that the offices must change their configuration and possibly their allocated square meters, there may not be as much density, they must reinvent themselves to be a meeting point to align their teams, transmit their values ​​and serve customers / suppliers . let's not forget that culture is generated in community and through social infrastructure.

For this, it will be necessary to space the workers more, use elements that promote distance while interacting and, above all, a lot of flexibility.

These new situations will be stressful, they will occur in various phases, for both organizations and employees, and it is impossible to predict exactly what will happen, what is clear is that they will affect how companies attract, develop and inspire the best talent.

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